Photo by Melody

Bird Watching: Dried Meal Worms, 1 by Chillybean

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Photo of Dried Meal Worms
Chillybean wrote:
Yep, I knew that. :) Are you still feeding live now?

I had a bit of a surprise when my husband brought home the latest batch of dried mealworms. I wanted the big bags from Lowe's as I have found them to be the most reasonably priced. They only had one left, so he got two jumbo blocks of dried mealworms/sunflower chips, as well.

I noticed a little surprise in one of the blocks. (Picture one) It's in the middle of the circle. How it escaped the drying process I don't know. It looked as if it was eating off the sunflower chips.

I decided to open it outside to put in the cage feeder. And right away this fellow started moving. It got up the side of the platform and I left it to its fate.

Unless I am unable to find dried mealworms, I probably won't get these blocks again. They are getting eaten well enough by a good variety, so that's not the problem. We've had a steady rain today and this has caused much of the block to break off and land on the ground. At least the birds are eating that up, but we also have ground squirrels and other things that are less desirable.