Photo by Melody

Chillybean's Member Page


  Chillybean wants you to know:  
  • The current local time for me is 07:55 AM
  • I'm in zone 5a
  • I live in (Zone 5a)
  • My birthday is October 29

  A note from Chillybean:  
"For those who have birds hitting your windows, PLEASE, for the birds' sake put decals, bird tape, mylar streamers, anything on the outside of your windows. Those creatures have a hard enough time with loss of habitat and being preyed upon by larger birds and animals.
If you want more birds to visit your yard, do not use chemicals to kill the food they are looking for. We have plenty of bug-control agents in our yard- Killdeer, both Meadowlarks, Robins, Swallows, and others.
About gardening, I avoid all aliens and relish pulling out any to make way for North American native plants. About eating, if there are any suspected GMO's, I won't touch it. Less chemicals in growing... bah... Think "roundup ready" so they can blast more herbicides on your food. "

  Photo from Chillybean  
"Northern Shrike helps decrease the HOSP population. "

Picture of Chillybean

Chillybean signed up on Jul 27, 2010