Photo by Melody

Pacific Northwest Gardening: Hit and Run Vent! GRR, 4 by LakeLivingRos

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Photo of Hit and Run Vent!  GRR
LakeLivingRos wrote:
velvet - Your street sounds like mine.. although I do not have 2 hairpin turns, just really curved road that makes it impossible to see, and since I am between the 188th and 200th street exit on i5 on military (which is less than a mile between the 2 ramps) people speed to bypass traffic or just go way over the speed limit on their commute.. so I was curious if there was a way to slow down cars..

according to the web some top ways to make drivers slow down
- fake speeding camera
- strategically park an empty crown vic
- solar power fake cop lights
- hologram children (I guess communities actually donate together to purchase these)
- put naked women at the side of the road
- add public art on the side of the road

What I was thinking ..
- children at play slow down sign (they sell the plastic kid with a flag at costco)
- a sign that says caution to a deaf child at play or deer crossing zone.

so for updates on my hit and run area.. the crazy news.. pretty much EVERY plant that was hit has come back.. EVEN the arbutus unedo that had the whole top chopped off.. about a month ago I saw a bud on the stump.. but the severe drought I think toasted the bud.. but after the heavy rain a new sprout right next to the stump is protruding from the soil!!