Photo by Melody

Lilies: Sending out Cry for Help - Brown Petals on Orientals, 1 by eolivas103

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Image Copyright eolivas103

Subject: Sending out Cry for Help - Brown Petals on Orientals

Forum: Lilies

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Photo of Sending out Cry for Help - Brown Petals on Orientals
eolivas103 wrote:
I am hoping all you Lily Experts may be able to help me on this. My Playtime Lily has 3 Brown outer petals that I have to trim off. This is the second year this has happened. Also, the plants are very healthy and they don't appear to have any disease.. I watched this burn closer this year and it seems like it happens after we have had very hot tempuratures (105) for several days. I believe it is either the heat or the lack of humidity that is causing this or a combination. Also, we have alkaline soil in my area and supposedly the Orientals like acidic soil. Also, I have had some success with Orientals. I have 3 growing that may get little spots on the outer bud but it doesn't distort the bloom. What I am not sure of is what is causing this burn on Playtime. I may try moving Playtime to part shade under a tree but if it is the Soil PH that causes the burn then I am out of luck. Ideas? Is anyone else having this issue? Does anyone else grow Playtime? I'll attach a picture.