Photo by Melody

Northeast Gardening: Summer Blooms 2014, 3 by Pfg

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Photo of Summer Blooms 2014
Pfg wrote:
Ouch ;-)

But it's worth it! I want a large vertical section that's white most of the time. On the top, yesterday I dug out a lot of Saponaria and weeds, and added David's White Phlox and Shasta daisies. There is more phlox there, due any minute. The one I bought is ahead of my zone.

Now, I moved the Hydrangea forward. In the pockets above, I added a Summersnow Clematis, small flowering but profuse, and some Cimicifuga seedlings from around the garden. There is a mature one to the left of the birdbath, I'm hoping for the same effect on the other side. And the Clem, of course, lol.

And I'm beat!