Photo by Melody

Mid-South Gardening: It is June let's see the daylilies and everything else !, 3 by cperdue

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Forum: Mid-South Gardening

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Photo of It is June let's see the daylilies and everything else !
cperdue wrote:
I can't remember the name with out checking but the first picture is a mountain hydrangea. The clusters are not as large as the old fashioned mopheads. My gardenias are blooming. I'm really going to need to prune this bush back when it get through growing. I prune it every year but can't ever seem to get it cut back enough. The 3rd picture is more mountain hydrangeas. The fourth is a drop dead gorgeous red day lily. It has an unusually large flower. I think it may have come from Cindy. The last is just a bunch of mop head hydrangeas. They haven't fully gotten their color yet. To the right of them are several oak leaf hydrangeas. It was too wet to get back in there. I'm going to move them somewhere. I haven't decided exactly where yet but they are hidden. I also have another variety of hydrangea planted to the right. My plan is eventually take out some of the mop heads and replace them with newer varieties. I like the mop heads but I just have too many of them. This is just one section. I have mopheads by the side of the workshops, in a different spot in the back beds and a really huge one by the side of the garage.