Photo by Melody

Tomatoes & Peppers: Bell Pepper Leaves are looking wierd..., 1 by Ozark

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Photo of Bell Pepper Leaves are looking wierd...
Ozark wrote:
David, the crinkled leaves I've seen on my pepper plants, which just indicate some kind of general stress, aren't as extreme as those in YardQueen's pictures.

This photo of one of my seedlings, taken today, shows crinkled leaves near the growth center, but not all that bad. This pepper plant has only been in the ground for about 3 weeks, it's been beat up by our typical rowdy springtime weather, moles have undermined it, flea beetles have chewed on the leaves, and I fertilized that row pretty heavy a few days ago. It's a little stressed right now but the color is good and experience tells me it will get past such difficulties strong, healthy, and growing.

YardQueen, I'm afraid your pictures do show PMMoV - I've battled it in the past, and that's why I no longer grow Bells, most varieties of which seem especially vulnerable. Don't pull the plants out, though. If it's PMMoV the plants won't die from it and you'll still get a crop, but smaller than you'd wish.