Photo by Melody

Bulbs: This year's Allium plants, 3 by DonnaMack

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Photo of This year's Allium plants
DonnaMack wrote:
Here is allium karataviense. It comes with white flowers in the form of 'Ivory Queen' but I love this one. I accidentally ordered them from two sources, so I had about 20.

In the background of the second picture, their little heads are there. I love the foliage, because it gives them more interest. And all of them bloomed.

And then I have things in progress. I found that allium caeruleum is better in clumps. It's in bud. With a drumstick allium coming up nearby.

Almost everything in my yard is new. I planted 28 roses in the last year. I just installed Dublin Bay on the trellis, and you can see the allium christophiis starting to come up. The lovely bright shrub is Deutzia 'Chardonnay Pearls' that I brought from my former home. It's perfect in front of the PJM rhodie, which bloomed earlier. Looks delicate, but it's rock solid.

In the fifth pic, which is to the left of the stuff above, the christophiis are coming up with the nepeta, the geranuium biokovo, and a bunch of other stuff. The pink is oreophylum.

As you can see, most stuff is in bud. But I heartily recommend karateviense because it was the very first in my garden to bloom, and it has staying power.