Photo by Melody

Trees, Shrubs and Conifers: Come play with conifers..., 1 by ViburnumValley

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Image Copyright ViburnumValley

In reply to: Come play with conifers...

Forum: Trees, Shrubs and Conifers

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Photo of Come play with conifers...
ViburnumValley wrote:
Please include scientific/botanical/Latin names with your proposed identifications, since common names can vary from nation to nation, if not house to house. It also could be fun to list all the available choices, and list as "No guess" or "Pass" any that you don't wish to disclose an answer for. Then, accumulating information can simply be cut/paste into future posts.

Regardless, #5 is not close to that plant's identity, however you clarify that choice.

Knowing that none of these group images will be that sharply defined by individual tree, I'd expect that most here would target the genus as a separating feature. Pedagogy in tree ID, if you will.

This is one of the ways to learn about plants and identification "on the hoof". I'll also fully admit that these trees are fresh from nursery production, and much about their sheared form doesn't offer assistance in sorting them out.

If this process continues through identification of each numbered plant down to genus, then I'd logically provide more closeup images of each tree and its characteristic parts to further pare down what it is.

Here's another batch. I'm trying to use the same ID number for trees that show up in more than one image, so everyone can keep track.