Photo by Melody

Greenhouse: non-toxic flying insect control, 3 by drdawg43

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Image Copyright drdawg43

Subject: non-toxic flying insect control

Forum: Greenhouse

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Photo of non-toxic flying insect control
drdawg43 wrote:
A while back someone asked about controlling flying insects without using insecticides. I use "White Fly and Aphid Trap", manufactured by Biocare and/or "Sticky Stakes" and "Sticky Whitefly Trap" manufactured by Safer. All of them are yellow cards coated with a super-sticky surface. The Sticky Stakes are used adjacent to specific plants and the traps are used to control flying insects in a general area. All of these are non-toxic. The insects are drawn to the "yellow" and once they touch the card's surface, they are toast. Below are several pictures showing two cards that have been in my "Orchid" greenhouse for three months, and a new card, just hung a couple of hours before the photo. You can only see perhaps 50% of the (stuck-on) insects because of their tiny size. The cards are two sided, so both sides look the same. There are probably 100 insects on each side of these two cards.