Photo by Melody

Central Midwest Gardening: February 2014 - another month of "Polar Vortexes"., 4 by happgarden

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Photo of February 2014 - another month of "Polar Vortexes".
happgarden wrote:
Viney plants do well rooting in water I am sorry Will if I mislead you, catus or thick leaved plants don't they do better in pots. Will what works for me is to not put them in a pot by themselves but with something else growing. My thought is thick leaved plants don't like cool wet soil and if the plant does not have roots it will take awhile for the moisture to leave the soil. So if you stick the leaf in a pot with a growing plant and you water. The growing plant will use up the moisture so the leaf doesn't just sit in cold wet soil. The first pic shows one of the thick leaves I put in a pot with another plant and you can see the new start if you look at the tip. I dusted off the dirt. The second picture I started these in a pot but with other plants. Third pic is another big leaf I am starting in that same pot and last is the big pot where things are growing and things are rooting. Anyway it works for me but I also have these in my solar room so it gets warm and what ever sun we happen to have. This is where a heating mat would come in handly if you don't have alot of warmth. Least in my opinion.

One last thing you know those glazed pots are nice but during the winter they are cold, even mine in the solar room right now is cold. I think the pot you bought is better. Just weight alone.

One other thing I know it is a long drive but not as bad as you might think Will they are hiring at the Cameron Correctional Facility. I think they pay well and have good benefits. Just a thought

Hi everyone else.... ;) sorry this is so long.