Photo by Melody

Lilies: I'm a newbie & I need help with Asiatic and Oriental Lilies!, 5 by Pfg

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Photo of I'm a newbie & I need help with Asiatic and Oriental Lilies!
Pfg wrote:
In my situation, a very old, very large, very neglected garden, I'm grateful for any non-weed that holds its own with no help from me. Ergo, pre-existing Hostas, Daylilies, Evergreens, Azaleas, Sedums, Vinca, and a slew of more fun things like a few tall grasses, Phlox gone wild, Peonies, Baptisia, Siberian Iris, Alchemilla, Heuchera, Saponaria, Geraniums, Campanula... And I'm adding as much as I can to the latter list: Penstemons, Veronicas, Salvias, Stachys, Astilbes. I'm also expanding the roster of the long term plants for more colors and extended bloom season. Luckily there's enough room to play in!

Sadly, as much as I love lilies, I'm not adding any because of the red devil. I'm certainly keeping the ones I have and protecting them, but I need low maintenance.

Wood ash adds potash and raises PH, good for certain plants in East Coast acidic soil. Lately I've been reading that some people dump all their fireplace ashes in the garden, I've been afraid to overdo.