Photo by Melody

Greenhouse: Winter Hoop House, 2 by Domehomedee

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Photo of Winter Hoop House
Domehomedee wrote:
You're going to love it! I've had mine up for two years now. I found the plans online and for about $500 I have a huge hoophouse. StillPlays - I use mine to put some of my more tender plants in for the winter. It gets downright hot in there during the day, I open it most mornings. At night it's just that few degrees warmer than outside. I have gingers blooming in there now, I've never had a ginger bloom in my garden. It's also great for winter sowing perennials. And in summer I grow my tomatos and melons in there because it's too hot to use for anything else. Here's some pics from last April.
I was starting some succulent cuttings there on the right, and there are some seed trays on the left.