Photo by Melody

Lilies: B&D 'scratch and dent sale', 2 by DonnaMack

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Photo of B&D 'scratch and dent sale'
DonnaMack wrote:
Mary, I should have known. I took the cats that came with house (I had actually known them for years) and the older one was a little freaked out because he had not only lost the cat his was acqired with (16 years together) but now Mommy and Daddy were gone.

Talk about spoiled:
2 litter boxes (new ones)
A 2:15 p.m. treat (organic chicken baked by Donna)
Extra scratching posts.
A heating pad (one really prefers my back-up hard drive)
A furminator pet brush.
And a lap that no longer belongs to me

The younger one loves my backup hard drive.
And anywhere near me where she doesn't belong.
And wants to be nearby, no matter how inconvenient.
And she loves to be with her much older pal (they took over my seed mat).
And despite a ten year age difference, they sometimes do the same thing at the same time.

Jam, I am lucky enough to get plants from several sources. Proven winners gives Master Gardeners a choice of shrubs here every year. And I am a sponsor member at Raulston Arboretum in North Carolina. They feel guilty about the fact that I can't participate in things like their plant grab, so they send me several shrubs a year, like a variegated Japanese Kerria, Deutzia Chardonnay, and abelia "Lynn" Pinky Bells.