Photo by Melody

Lilies: Please guys I need your advice, 5 by cathy166

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Forum: Lilies

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Photo of Please guys I need your advice
cathy166 wrote:
I am not so experienced, but I grow a lot of lilies.

If I were you (and I think I have been you at different times), I would dig them all up and put the bulbs in a container or in multiple containers. Lilies require so little to keep them happy. Containers should be about 8 inches deep, and if they don't have drainage holes, drill them. Use fresh potting soil, and cover with about 4 inches of soil. If you do not put them in at least 4 inches deep, they will not anchor as well. If you have a sunny deck, let them winter on your deck, but don't cover the drainage holes. In the spring, if you want them inground, you can plant the container. Don't disturb bulbs once they are starting to grow and bud, but move the containers as much as you want. Make sure the containers are in full sun. Lilies like that.

If you have asiatics, they will be very happy. If you have lilies that grow tall, you'll have to put them in larger containers.

These lilies are all container grown. Photos 1 and 2 have asiatics that have been in that container since 2 summers ago, and have to be thinned out now. You can also plant other bulbs in the containers at the same time, just like your yard. Gardening is a lot of work, but you can make it work for you.

By the way, if you have a sunny deck and they are on your deck, you can control the deer damage a bit better. If you have creatures that dig your bulbs, put a piece of screening over the top until they start to poke through the soil and sprout.
