Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: SPRING AMONG OUR BROMELIADS..., 4 by bromishy

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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bromishy wrote:
Hi Everyone!

I had a great time with mum in the garden as well as mum tried her hand at splitting and re-potting Joe’s orchids which was very helpful and she did a fantastic job with them and really enjoyed learning how to split / re-pot them. Mum and I mainly cleaned / watered my outside broms and we re-potted a few that Lucy and Lexi had knocked over chasing yet another snake they had killed.

Went fishing again with Mum and Joe yesterday but the only person that caught anything was Joe who managed to catch a nice sized “Grunter” which we took home for mum to eat.

We also went to one of our local market and mum brought me a flowering Aechmea that I did not have and we discovered a pup on it when we got home so that was a nice surprise. I also brought a really nice “shrub”, (I know and “shrub” not a “brom”) called “Dancing Lady” that really caught my attention as it had striking red branches and lovely mottled shades of green on the leaves.

Hi Nev thank for the belated birthday wishes, I don’t get too concerned about how old I am as I am and celebrate each birthday with a passion that normally ends with a hangover the next day he he. Mum said “Hi Back Nev” and has been enjoying reading this brom forum as well as checking the broms out on EBay as she does not have a computer back home. Mum is enjoying looking things up on the computer and seeing what some of the plants like Lillies she has at home are called.

Nev luved the pics you posted on 2/10, that Neo. ‘Dunmore Ruby’ of yours always catches my eye and I have to blow it up big to take a closer look at its beauty.

Hi Cody I hope you and Alex are well!!! Thanks having a great time with Mum and come the evenings we are total exhausted and find it hard to keep our eyes open when we are in front of the TV.

Hi Tash, thanks had a great birthday but woke up with a sore head the next day he he.

Tash I adored your Aechmea Roberto Menescal, what a beauty that one is. I saw what one went for on EBay the other day and was totally blown away – ah to dream.

Hi Jean thanks having a great time with my Mum who is having a great time amongst our broms and orchids and looking forward to packing her up a big box of broms for her to take home.

Hi Shirley thanks having a great time with my Mum and we are jam packing as much as we can in a day like fishing, gardening and sightseeing, with a few nanna naps thrown in there for the times when we struggle a little and need to have a bit of a break he he.

Shirley I just discovered some seed pods on my Neo’ ‘Justins Song’ which was great because I got to show mum where and what the seed pods looked like, so it’s timing was perfect.

Hi Wendy thanks had a great birthday and it’s been fantastic catching up with family as well as friends also. Wendy great to hear your tests weren’t too bad as well as the positive feedback with Johnny’s health, that’s great news.

Hi Ian sounds like you have been busy as usual and busy counting broms and cataloguing them.

Hi Teresa, hope your well!!!

Anyway time to put the kettle on as I keep promising everyone I will make them one he he.

Hi to anyone else looking in or on the sick list.

Take Care and Happy Gardening!


Pic 1 - Neo. 'Red River'
Pic 2 - Neo. 'Fruit Cake'
Pic 3 to 5 - Random shots