Photo by Melody

Perennials: geranium "Rozanne", 2 by Pistil

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Image Copyright Pistil

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Photo of geranium "Rozanne"
Pistil wrote:
Here are some happy Rozannes near Seattle, in late August. They will continue to grow and bloom until frost here. Each of these is a single plant. The first has sprawled 8 feet across, the second has clambered 6 feet up a shrub, and is swallowing a tree peony after eating a Heather and a few other things. They get morning sun only, are on a gentle slope and get watered every few weeks. I might have fertilized but I doubt it. Soil is clay and rocks, rare mulch. I never deadhead, never cut them back until spring when they each are whacked off to the ground.
As you see they are pretty neglected but grow anyway- likely the difference is climate-Seattle is cool and dry in summer. We had 0.9" rain last night, before that we got 0.7' in mid June, and before that it was mid May ! I think they have more rain in summer in Arizona.
The tag says 12-20" tall, and 18-24" wide-Hah!