Photo by Melody

Hummingbird and Butterfly Gardening: Daily Butterfly Pix, #102, 4 by mellielong

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Photo of Daily Butterfly Pix, #102
mellielong wrote:
Genna, I would let shorthog chime in since you're in the same state. I'm not sure what would grow in Arkansas vs. what works in Florida.

Today was fungicide the orchids day so I was outside in the heat watching the butterflies again. I saw the Giant ST again but couldn't get a good photo of it. I did catch the Zebra Longwing sneaking into the firebush for a sip. Then, I had two loyal Duskywing friends on the coneflower and porterweed, respectively. Finally, the Gulf Frit was hitting up multiple sources but here it is on the porterweed.

I just had my first Zebra Longwing emerge from its chrysalis so I'm going to watch that. I've also got that big Black ST cat in a sling just waiting to make his chrysalis. I also rounded up the Monarchs late last night so I'm taking care of them until I can get them to the museum.
