Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeers #16, 2 by lonejack

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Photo of Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeers #16
lonejack wrote:
Hi All,
As I planted my broccoli, I noticed that I had been missspelling Raab broccoli. I finally read the label; typical male, when all else fails, ask directions and read the label.
For summer heat, have you tried Malibar Spinach? It isn't a true spinach but is grown in the tropics where true spinach will bolt to seed in hot weather.
I know when I was in Haiti, they grew Malibar as a peranial. It tasts the same as spinach if you pick the leaves while they are young.

Here are the pictures I promiced:
The first picture is the grow tower at the front of, "The Lyons/Smith Manor," a name chosen by the grandkids. A plaque will soon adorn the front door.
This is a clothes hamper from Big Lots, turned upside down, lined with a Hefty garbage bag and filled with garden soil. I cut the bottom of the hamper out and save it to replace as a topper sometimes.
This year I added a cup of all purpose fertilizer in a kneehigh panty hose about 4" down from the top. As the tower is watered it runs around the fertilizer, feeding the system.
Wave petunias in front, catching the sun. Impatians in back in the shade and geraniums on top. These get only morning sun so the geraniums should do great.
I have yet to poke purple bean seeds in the empty spaces. These will green up and provide little purple blossoms and well as beans.
These are drip watered each day for 1 hr with a one gal dripper in the top.

The second picture is a different grow tower by the side fence. This has about 10 or 12 different plants. I love to nack on peas, strawberries and purple beans. I have added some painted steel flowers and butterflies for color. That is a wooden snake made in a 3rd world country. The glue is not weather proof. Again, the grandkids get a kick out of it.
That is a wicking box with a crop of Raab broccoli about ready to cut. Sorry for the weeds, as you can see, weeding is not my strong suit.
Maybe tomorrow.