Photo by Melody

Memory Garden: (VGMKY) Gary Millwood, 1 by melody

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Image Copyright melody

Subject: (VGMKY) Gary Millwood

Forum: Memory Garden

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Photo of (VGMKY) Gary Millwood
melody wrote:
Our dear friend, Gary Millwood passed away May 29, 2013 in Louisville, KY. He was one of our oldest long-time members, having joined DG on Sept 16th, 2001.
'Papa Gary', as he was affectionately known, graciously shared his knowledge and his seeds with everyone who asked. His special passion was tomatoes and he was one of the most influential people in the state of Kentucky when it came to heirlooms. He was responsible for saving several heirloom varieties from extinction and even when his health was failing, he continued to garden and educate.

Gary was quick to encourage fledgling gardeners and donated his time and knowledge to help them start along the path of heirloom gardening. He was also active in a number of charitable organizations such as the Make A Wish Foundation and the Bellewood Home for Children.

We will miss his cheerful personality and his depth of knowledge here at DG. He was a real treasure and it has been an honor to be his friend.

"The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul." Alfred Austin