Photo by Melody

Canadian Gardening: What's up in the garden?, 3 by June_Ontario

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Image Copyright June_Ontario

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Photo of What's up in the garden?
June_Ontario wrote:
I think summer is here. By lunchtime it was 22C, and 33C in the greenhouse. Panic stations! Potted culinary sage and mint, a planter filled with dwarf hostas, and a containerized Deutzia are now outside the greenhouse. They'll probably need to go back in, as frost is still possible here for the next four weeks.

The first daffodil has bloomed, and it's 'Gigantic Star', which is neither gigantic nor stellar, just a chunky yellow trumpet, on short, stout stems. In the shade, Hepatica nobilis is blooming. The pic is from last year, when it had some surviving leaves. This spring, there are only flowers. The first primula to bloom is an unnamed seedling that appeared in a sowing of Thlaspi seeds from the local rock garden society. It survives (barely) in the shade of a rock in my otherwise sunny gravel garden.