Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: Bromeliads for the novice and addict. April 2013, 3 by weed_woman

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Photo of Bromeliads for the novice and addict. April 2013
weed_woman wrote:
Hello all,
Shirley, I will hold off posting a parcel to you till the 22nd, which will give me plenty of time to get them organised. Nev, I will send yours this week, if I get them organised by Tuesday, or the following monday if I am unorganised!
Shirley, maybe you could use a hot glue gun on the wall? It would only work if the broms have a woody bit of stolon to apply it too, as the leaves will fall off eventually, so no point glueing them. I'm not aware of any tape that sticks to cement, but maybe you could try a silicone based glue? Its a tricky one.
Mums doll doesn't even have a body yet! Mum wrapped her up so it looked like she does. She has aheap of them that she nurses regularly (and takes on outings) and another 2 or three waiting to be made. Shes a doll-a-holic.
We haven't done any cleaning/organising today, but have plans to tackle the pantry in an hour or so. gulp!
My xNeotanthus (as Nev said, Neo x Cryptanthus) hasn't done anything much since I've had it, and thats about 3 years I think? I'm not even sure how it will pup, as Crypt. pups seem to sit on top, where as Neos come from down under. If it ever looks like flowering or pupping, I will add a photo and you can remind me then, if you haven't found one by then. Sometimes they come up on Ebay, but not recently.
Bree, not to worry, its been raining on and off here all week, and I'm about 900kms away from you! I checked out the forecast for the rest of the week in Coffs.........showers every day! Just the usual. Neo. 'Norman Bates' looks nice. Is it much different to N. 'Hannibal Lector'? I'm up for a swap if you ever get a pup and head back down this way.
Jean, Nidularium 'Ruby Lee' is the plant in your second picture, which is a variety of Nid. innocentii. I'm not sure what your first photo is of, but could be Nid. rubens. It will be easier to identify when it is mature and flowering. Your Neo. 'B J Fire' I think is xNeostropsis 'B-Fire' which is one Leisa used to have. It should go very red when in higher light. In your next lot of photos you have your aechmea 'Fosters favourite' listed as a Neo. I wasn't sure if thats how it was labelled for you, or if you are having a senior moment (cheeky eh?) heh heh.
Nev, thanks goodness they have got to the bottom of your wifes troubles, but what a big operation she has ahead of her. Give her the best from Hubby and I and we will all try to survive Nev withdrawals while you are otherwise occupied. It seems that the surgery can be done very quickly, which is a good thing. No good waiting around with a dicky heart!
If its all too hard with the Aechmea bromelifolia plant, leave it till theres a smaller one available Nev. I've lived this long without it! I'd hate to be the cause of stress for anyone. I will be home in a couple of days, so yes please to the parcel. I need something nice to give me a pick up. Its been quite a hard week, although am getting plenty of back rest between cleaning bouts.
I do have a photo of the plant I thought looked like your N. 'Brush Stroke' so I'll put that on as photo one. What do you think?
Well, almost time to start another sorting job, so I'll post the rest of the photos and be off till tomorrow.
Photo two is xCanmea 'galaxy'
Photo three is a basket of N. 'chiquita linda' (good use for scrap shadecloth, as the birds knicked the coconut fibre)
Mmm, I thought I'd remeber the name of the minis when I posted them, but seems I forgot. I thought photo four was N. 'Flare Up' but it doesn't look like the one on the FCBS photo index
Photo five is one of my favourite minis. neo. 'pepper'