Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: My Fairy Garden, 1 by GingerGaia

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Image Copyright GingerGaia

Subject: My Fairy Garden

Forum: Specialty Gardening

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Photo of My Fairy Garden
GingerGaia wrote:
I am so enjoying every ones inspiring pics and messages here. I got back into my garden after a 4 yr illness that prevented me from gardening ( I grieved over the loss of gardening more than anything else) I've been posting pics from '09 and earlier because -well just imagine an acre of rose-cottage gardens uncared for in anyway-except when the church helped weed front garden 2 yrs ago-killing hundreds of plants and my weed wacking husband (if its over 4" its a weed to him). In the humid south! I'm finally well enough to garden again-though mostly from a sitting postion & driving in the car just to get to gardens near the street. Before I became obsessedwith getting a hundred roses cut back this week I started cleaning up and refurbishing-actually when I'm through I'll like it even more- My Fairy garden. The goal is to have it ready for my 5 yr old granddaughter when she comes to visit Easter. These pics have her in them the year I made them. I'll post more when The refinished garden is ready.In the pics you'll see the fairy garden is through the arch on the bedroom side (each with a window door onto this patio area and the woods beyond) The fairy on the blue table is a drummer like my daughter. Fairies reside all over this acre, the "Fairy Garden is for Gwynth.