Photo by Melody

Greenhouse: Solar heating with 55 gallon drums of water, 1 by Solace

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Image Copyright Solace

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Photo of Solar heating with 55 gallon drums of water
Solace wrote:
Thank you both so much. I got to see unconditional love with him. One time I had to run in and pay my bill at the doctor's office, who doesn't allow dogs in her office, and was going to leave him in the truck. While getting out, he leaped over the seats and dashed out, and I couldn't hold him back, since he weighed around 90 pounds. He walked beside me and I managed to convince him to wait in the foyer for me. He thought he had to go with me everywhere. He loved to ride in the back seat of the truck. He was scary to other folks, though, when they came to the door, he would be the first to 'greet' them. He had an imposing presence, being part German Shepherd and part Lab. They'd jump back when they saw him, and no telling how many times he staved off intruders while I was gone. My heart is breaking. But I know I'll see him again, and he won't be sick. I didn't name him, but his coat was a shiny black Lab kind, and all you could see in the dark was his gleeming white teeth, so he was named Spooky. I called him Spooky-do. When I adopted him, he was so wiggly and happy, and the vet at the animal shelter asked me, "He looks like he's part German Shepherd, are you sure you want a dog that's going to be that big?". But he had already captured my heart, and that day I found my soul dog.