Photo by Melody

Perennials: What new plants have you just put in the ground?, 2 by DonnaMack

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In reply to: What new plants have you just put in the ground?

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Photo of What new plants have you just put in the ground?
DonnaMack wrote:
Careful careful careful with the redbud. I know several people who have them. They can be fabulous - and then inexplicably die.

As for the littleleaf linden, go for it! This is a young one (picture 4). We had to replace the other since the idiots who put in our landscapping for the subdivision put left it in a wire bag. Too bad, because it was wonderful. But lindens are bulletproof, and the littleleafs are very elegant. I find the American Basswood a little coarse.

If you had space, I'd tell you to get a baleyi linden (1,2 and 3. The littleleaf will have the same shape, but not as low to the ground. A more magnificent, easy tree never existed. (the bedraggled tree to the left in the second picture is not ours! Our neighbors id not take care of their trees.)

You will end limbing it up, but if you have room!

Lindens are my number one choice for a shade tree.

In my opinion, ditch the Hawthorne. I contemplated it. It is really nondescript. I don't understand the hosannas. And watch out for the thorns. And yes, they stink!