Photo by Melody

Central Midwest Gardening: Sept. - 2012, it's time for Fall, and changing colors o, 1 by shortleaf

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Photo of Sept. - 2012, it's time for Fall, and changing colors o
shortleaf wrote:
Glad to hear the Forsythia cuttings from me are doing good, juhur. Unfortunately, I looked at the English Ivy cuttings you gave me tonite, they still aren't showing any signs of life yet. - I think they are just difficult to get started as cuttings. I have 1 smallish English Ivy here and I cut off 4 cuttings from it and it appears only 1 took root.

I need to get the biggest rocks that I can manage without blowing something out! It is tempting to get smaller rocks because they are easier to carry but they really aren't ideal, they let weeds thru and mulch out,
and when it rains hard they can even get washed away.

Yeah, those Blackberry thorns are alot of fun especially when they stick you! I just try to be careful and wear gloves if I have to. I'm not about bleeding anymore, when I was a kid maybe it was cool to bleed but now it just hurts! Now cactus, I only want to deal with maybe once every 3 or 4 years, I'm not about spending an hour with tweezers (and a lighted magnifying picking out nearly invisible tiny needles!

Glad to have the rain for that float trip, I never was happier in all my life to get rain for everything around here!

There is several wheelbarrow loads of clayey yard soil in that shade garden spot, I wish it was better dirt available here. There isn't any concrete there, it was previously just a nasty looking rectangle of weeds and little concrete and gravel bits, it looked terrible before.

Maybe I can try Blackberry cuttings in a bigger pot, thanks.