Photo by Melody

Rocky Mountain Gardening: Where are all the garden folk?, 4 by Solace

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Photo of Where are all the garden folk?
Solace wrote:
Petset, great job! I wish my garden was taking off like that, but it was a slow start, here. I did harvest the Garlic a couple of days ago and they turned out big and beautiful. My first time growing garlic, I'm amazed. Tomatoes are blooming, squash blooms and then the blossoms just fall off. I think they need some balanced fertilizer. I'll probably have to go to the Green Spot in Alamosa to get some. I top dressed some things with compost. The green chile is chugging along in the hay bale, okra is a foot tall and producing little bitty okra pods...I started some more to go in the greenhouse, due to the ones in the bale being stunted (I think they didn't have light early enough, in the house). I'm bound and determined to grow Okra here. The Moon and Stars watermelons in the hothouse have their first true leaves and they have stars on them :) The avocado is over 8 feet tall now in the hothouse so I have to do SOMEthing with it, I have four others, a two-foot tall and three I started from seed that are about a foot to foot and a half tall now. My brocolli got eaten up by something, but I have more seeds and they should do well with the temps getting lower at night. I ordered a couple of apple trees, just four footers, and will be hardening them off and planting those this week, Lord willing. It's time to move the chicken coop to another area, so will be doing that, too. In addition to the radio stations, there's never an end to things needing to be done. Not enough daylight to get everything done, but it's always been that way for me. Oh, and the Hollyhock seeds from 2006 are coming up gangbusters in a new flower bed, so hopefully they'll get their little root systems going enough to get a headstart for next spring! Yay! Also planted some Harebells with them. The corn is about two feet tall in the bales (Reid's Yellow Dent and some multi-colored Heirloom popcorn in a bale seperate from the Reid's). No tassles yet, thank goodness. The beans and squash growing "Three Sisters" style in those bales are hanging in there, too, but no produce, yet. Petset, you're doing great with the fruits of your labor. Good job! and good job everyone, growing in this climate has its challenges!
1. Harebell
2. Heirloom popcorn in Three sisters Barley bale
3. Reid's Yellow Dent in Three Sisters barley bales with Market Beans and crookneck squash, left bale is Anaheim Chile
4. Bloomsdale Spinach growing in a plastic tub
5. Winchester thinks something is up (they were all supposed to be hens, but three of the 18 are now crowing in the morning. Winchester's the star, though). And no, I cannot eat the other two. They're Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds hens. Roosters are all Barred Rocks.