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Central Midwest Gardening: July 2012-Plants shriveling up already, 1 by juhur7

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Photo of July 2012-Plants shriveling up already
juhur7 wrote:
We have a three and a half horsepower compressor that was purchased about a decade ago .It hasn't been used for a while and it was 126 dollars from harbor freight back then.I know they can sure tear things up these days,but they are good for weeding and cleaning concrete walks and drives and the like.
I'm still hoping for a tool &garden shed if anything would ever go right around here.Not as bad as that sounds only things could always be looked forward to being better.
My peach -leaved bell flowers didn't make it through the heat ,just didn't have it in them yet,I guess .My Hibiscus newly planted are looking good 'Fireball' the var.I have a echie that has a near 6inch bloom,that is the largest I've ever seen them bloom.
I have a couple melons going in the garden,that and two tomato plants are about the only thing producing,too much heat and drought.
103 DEGREES outside as I type this,with all that sun today it feels hot enough to burn your skin right through your your clothes.Kinda like the vehicles you all were discussing a day ago ,man that is H>O>T>!!! Your 107 or so also too, too, extreme!!!