Photo by Melody

Hostas: Let's see your pictures of your streaked hostas!, 5 by Rose1656

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Image Copyright Rose1656

In reply to: Let's see your pictures of your streaked hostas!

Forum: Hostas

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Photo of Let's see your pictures of your streaked hostas!
Rose1656 wrote:
Charlotte's Web - This one seems to be a vigorous grower for me.

Lakeside Mom - Mine is very pretty, but not a fast grower for me. It was a small division when I got it, and I've moved it three times. Hopefully it will grow now that I have it in a good spot!

Powder Keg - Another coop purchase that isn't very impressive. It's still a pretty blueish color, but should be more streaked.

Hyuga Urajiro - A really odd looking hosta. Nice streaking in the spring, but seems to lose it during the summer.

Praise Him - Another nice one that I got last year.