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Central Midwest Gardening: July 2012-Plants shriveling up already, 1 by shortleaf

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Photo of July 2012-Plants shriveling up already
shortleaf wrote:
Well, I'll try to start the deadness back up since nobody else will! Now I know can't everybody win the lottery and be on the beach with an umbrella drink!
I am a man of my word tho see!? - I painted the living room window frame AND I've painted the shed in the last week or so!
I've enrolled in a college course that starts in less than 3 weeks, it doesn't last very long, I aim to land a decent job hopefully after that sometime.

Anyway, here is that window after I painted the frame today. I intend to paint the eaves too at some point. I kinda jumped around from painting the trim on the shed to painting the window frame before I was done painting the trim on the shed, now I need to get back on the shed. When I was painting the shed trim and ran out of paint it hit me, I thought, "I got my priorities wrong here, I need to paint that living room window frame", so paint it I did!

Here is a latest addition, an Aloe called 'Blue Elf' for my succulent planter, (it's to the left of that cactus). I relocated the Carpet Sedum to the big planter with the Liatris, it kinda crowded the concrete succulent planter right now, here it is. - That is my other succulent on the left in the red clay planter with the Hens And Chicks to the right of it, it's an Echeveria something or other (on the left), the Aloe and the Echeveria were each under $3. The Sedum is hardy though, I wanted to get it in a place where it can stay for the Winter.

Okay billyp, pepper, happ, juju, Crit, juhur, mclowdis, Cyb, anybody, you can all come back out, it's safe! It's too hot for the monsters under your beds, you can outrun them!

Hey, I made a how-to of my very own on cutting off and potting up a SpiderPlant baby! -
Oh and that "oh" is from unintentionally cutting off 2 babies, not from back pain or anything, altho, I guess I don't bend over and pick things up as easy as I used to! Sorry about the sounding like Woody Harrelson part in advance! Oh, and if your Harrelson's lawyers and want to sue, I'll tell you now that I'm unemployed and I have no money! And I've cut my fingernails since then! lol

Here we go again! It is warming back up! This is nuts, I'll be lucky to have a plant left after next week! I hope the predictions from weather liars change as they usually do, surely they jest about 108° next Thursday! - Well, at least I'll have the cactus left!

This message was edited Jul 21, 2012 12:10 AM