Photo by Melody

Tropical Zone Gardening: The Coconut Wireless - chat thread 3, 2 by Braveheartsmom

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Photo of The Coconut Wireless - chat thread 3
Braveheartsmom wrote:

We would like some of that rain here, the trees are looking very tired from the lava dust that comes along with the trade winds. At this time of year most of our trees drop some of their leaves - weird isn't it? I am knee deep in dead leaves and have been making many runs to the green waste each week.

On a bright note - we have litchi fruit on the tree this year! We have only had fruit on this tree 3 times since we have lived here, conditions must have been right this spring but I don't know what those conditions are! We are enjoying them although I wouldn't say the tree is loaded.

Mangos are in full swing so I have been busy dehydrating them to send to the kids who eat them like candy. We can't send fresh fruit to the mainland so this is the next best thing to cope with the glut we get from the 6 trees, luckily they are all different varieties so the harvest is somewhat spread out.

Mom is doing much better and we have finally talked her into having cateract surgery for her one remaining eye. She is scared to death and wouldn't even be considering it if it were not for the fact that she can't see anything now. Her surgery is set for the 12th. Fingers X'ed that I actually get her there on the big day!

I retired from work three weeks ago and was a lady of leisure for exactly 4 days - the first weekend I had to spend with Frank in 5 years - it was wonderful! Then I got a call that a co-workers son was in the hospital on life support and would I come back in to cover! Finally retired last Friday, this time for good! I have been so busy since then - restained the staircase, etc, etc, etc. Life is good!
