Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: Laughing For Joy #8, 1 by Amargia

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Photo of  Laughing For Joy #8
Amargia wrote:
Yes, Sheri, we would appreciate a start of sweetshrub. Is that a N. Carolina native? Check out the list we are creating of Amargia’s plants and see if anything catches your interest. (Our actual trade list is sadly neglected.) Nadi recently tried to trade some of her swamp lilies for sweetshrub. But, we aren’t absolutely sure what we call swamp lilies are crinum americanum. They are possibly some other form of crinum and Nadi’s would-be trade partner was exclusively interested in Carolina natives. The crinum we have has been traveling with her family from place to place for generations. And her father’s family settled originally in the Georgetown area. That it is a crinum whose ancestors once grew in the S. C. low country is all the info we really have about it. I keep telling myself I’m going to put a picture in DG’s plant ID. Maybe, when it blooms again in Oct. and has recovered from its most recent move. It is blooming, but its appearance has suffered from the recent move. I can smell why someone would go to the effort of digging this up and taking it with them when they moved. The scent is strong, but not over-bearing. It is sweet and pure. It is a scent-scape favorite in May and October. . Proving you don’t have to botanically know a plant to appreciate it. Or, at least, I don’t. k*