Photo by Melody

Beginner Gardening: What is more important when potting up, width or depth?, 0 by tapla

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Image Copyright tapla

In reply to: What is more important when potting up, width or depth?

Forum: Beginner Gardening

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Photo of What is more important when potting up, width or depth?
tapla wrote:
Cacti and succulents are much more difficult in shallow pots unless the soil is comprised entirely of large particles, and soil volume is much more important than pot dimensions. Still, deeper pots are easier to grow in and more forgiving of watering errors. The larger the container, the faster the growth, all other considerations being equal. Unfortunately, many of you are using soils that limit your ability to take advantage of the increased growth larger soil volumes offer because your soil would remain wet for so long it would affect root health/function. Best is to use a soil that allows you to ignore pot size - one that carries with it no danger of 'over-potting' - even in shallow containers where the risk is increased. Along with that choice comes not only the opportunity for better growth and vitality, but a much wider margin for grower error as well.
