Photo by Melody

African Violets and Gesneriads: Official Spring 2012 AV&G Round Robin thread, 1 by Syrumani

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Image Copyright Syrumani

Subject: Official Spring 2012 AV&G Round Robin thread

Forum: African Violets and Gesneriads

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Photo of Official Spring 2012 AV&G Round Robin thread
Syrumani wrote:
We came from here:

So it begins!!!!!

The Spring 2012 AV&G Round Robin has begun! (sorry, no late entries at this point)

It is important that each participant take out what they want to keep, toss what is iffy, add to the box and mail it ASAP. This is what will make it go smoothly.

Everyone pays the postage to get the box Priority with tracking information to the next person on the list.

The box will be started with leaves, starters, and whatever else can be thrown in. When you receive the box and there are dead leaves, etc., please throw them out and replace what you can. Please keep the names and address list with the box for the next person. You are welcome to place anything in the box, just remember you need to replace what you take. You are also welcome to throw in extras. But please don't throw in your old leaves, make sure what you are sending is viable plant material for propagation.

You are not obligated to take anything you don't want, so if something doesn't suit your fancy, send it out to the next recipient on the list.

Once you have made your selection, post to the group what you have taken and when you sent the box out to the next recipient. (Including a tracking number is helpful.)

DO NOT POST TO THE GROUP WHAT IS IN THE BOX, only what you kept. (it helps with keeping up suspense!)

Jamiew sends to imadigger.
imadigger sends to meag848.
meag848 sends to VA_Wild_Rose.
VA_Wild_Rose sends to dispatcher1.
dispatcher 1 sends to Celene.
Celene sends to Carpathiangirl.
Carpathiangirl sends to Vadis.
Vadis sends to EarleG.
EarleG sends to syrumani.
syrumani will return box to Jamiew.

The address list will be in the Round Robin box.

Any questions? Let the RR begin! :-)

This message was edited Apr 4, 2012 7:05 PM