Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: Why do you garden, despite physical challenges? , 0 by ButterflyChaser

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Image Copyright ButterflyChaser

In reply to: Why do you garden, despite physical challenges?

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Photo of Why do you garden, despite physical challenges?
ButterflyChaser wrote:
I garden because it soothes my soul and keeps me sane. I love flowers and I love eating produce from my own gardens. I enjoy having friends over to gather around my gardens and feel peace.

When I garden, I can forget the pain, the stress, the worries, fears, etc. When I garden, I'm just at peace.

And isn't it wonderful to rip weeds out of the ground when you're mad, pretending you're ripping that "evil" person's head off? My weeds have kept me from several homicides! LOL

Communing with nature is my chosen form of meditation. Seeing seedlings sprout, feeling the wispy fingers of maiden grass as I walk by, watching hummingbirds sword-fight over a feeder or watching a newly metamorphed black swallowtail dry her wings is something I crave. Experiencing these miracles of nature helps me feel connected to the universe and to the "Greater Spirit".

A day without some form of gardening is a wasted day.

This message was edited Mar 27, 2012 7:17 PM