Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 100, 1 by 77sunset

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Image Copyright 77sunset

In reply to: TEA ROOM # 100

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 100
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone.. The sun is shining but is quite chilly so far.. Will be like yesterday and get very warm after lunch.
I had to turn on the dripper hose yesterday for the first time in 2 years. The cottage garden was looking very dry so I thought I had better give the plants a drink.
Most of the larger areas of garden just have to get by as best they can now. The trees have all grown very tall so the smaller plants have slowly dies out or been moved. What survives is a woodland type area with plants that can fend for themselves all year.. eg..arums, hardy geraniums, wallflowers, bulbs etc.

Hello Anthony, love your spotty lilium. Hope you are feeling much better.

Colleen, how are your hippies going ? Mine dont look like flowering this year at all. Quite a few seedling ones coming on though.

Dianne,pity about having to remove your flax , but gardens are like that arent they ? Plants grow too big for their space sometimes.

Chrissy, are you enjoying getting around in your garden once again or is it still too wet ? Be very careful there.

Hello Elaine, Karen and Teresa. Hope all is well with you all.

Hello Charleen, keep warm over there.
Louise if you happen to look in , we miss hearing all about the girls.

Better go and see what I can find for you all in the kitchen.
I will leave a plate of lovely cream cakes out.
That should satisfy any nibblers.

Look who I saw wandering around outside the Tea Room this morning.
Probably like Charley, wanting some cookies before they fly off to help Santa.

Have a happy day.