Photo by Melody
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Central Midwest Gardening: October 2011 - National yardwork month in most states, 1 by shortleaf

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Photo of October 2011 - National yardwork month in most states
shortleaf wrote:
Thanks birder. Those windows really needed a cleaning, I don't think they've been cleaned in 20 years or so. Today, I cleaned the inside of those same windows with Glass Plus. I took off all the brass things like the locks and the handles and cleaned them with Brasso. I even rubbed Pledge on the frame and finished by slathering the wood frame inside with Holloway House Lemon Oil to make them shine like a new dime and smell heavenly.

I took a photo of them from the inside. I know that seems silly to even take a photo of the windows, but this way I can say, "I did too clean the windows, here they are and here's the date I did them on". I tell you, I sometimes have to show folks! Anyway, I'm all about elbow grease! In case anybody is wondering, the aluminum foil in those pots is to keep the cats out, I don't think they like the feeling of foil on their feet! I would love to keep them out of my pots, last year they did that big Ficus on the left like a litterbox! I took that photo around Noon today, it has cooled down considerably, the tv man is saying 49° this afternoon.

I brought in 4 little Italian Cypresses that I grew from seeds and a hanging planter of Strawberry Begonia tonite. I set my pot of TropiCanna(s) from Pepper by the garage door, to bring in soon. That is such a nice plant, it is going to make a great addition to my tropical area. I only have 4 Banana 'basjoo's and 2 Hibiscus 'Luna Red's in it so far, oh and 4 lava rocks, a big scallop seashell and 3 or 4 pieces of driftwood. That area better look tropical next year because I am jeopardizing my greenman reputation with about 500 lbs. of black (dyed) mulch all around that by gosh!! lol

Ewww.. 29° happ? I hope it doesn't get quite that cold soon, I mean the next couple days soon. That is alot of tomatoes there happ, assorted too!

Haha! Me a driving instructor?! Yeah, I don't think I could consider that. I'm really a good driver though. I'll have you know, I have a clean driving record! I've never had a DUI, actually that's pretty easy, because I rarely drink. I've canceled several auto insurances because they had raised my premium and I always know it's for no reason. But, I regret hitting that fireplug in the driveway, it bent the fender good. You can see the bent fender here - I guess it could be bent back, altho I'm not quite sure how to do it, that's solid metal. Initially, I did have to bend it a little to get it off the tire.

Where is that Patti or Crit? It has been a while since she injured her finger, I hope it's healing up with time.

Anybody want some Mimosa seedlings? I have 4 or 5 of them that volunteer grew right in the middle of some pots of dirt, so I left them, happ, can I interest you in a Mimosa(s), they are hardy here, anybody?
Well, time to get on the treadmill, I am trying to work off this belly! Would anyone like me to grow them a Persimmon tree from a seed? I know where to get the seeds, at least 2 if you want fruit.