Photo by Melody

Central Midwest Gardening: October 2011 - National yardwork month in most states, 1 by shortleaf

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Photo of October 2011 - National yardwork month in most states
shortleaf wrote:
Hi Crit! The only bulb company that I am familiar with that has been good to me is Brecks. They put out this $25 free coupon that I jumped on and got 6 Lily Tree bulbs. The first three came in a Spring shipment and they grew and are 1 to 2 feet tall. Overall, I am pleased. I can't really complain because I paid a few cents less than 6 dollars for it all. I used 2 $25 free coupons from them, each order came to $2.94. They were driving hard to the hoop to sell me more stuff but I didn't falter, I stayed strong, I was, "sorry, that's all I can afford", after you say that a couple times they back off, they're just happy about getting rid of stuff I think, even if they have to give it
So Crit, inquiring minds want to know! How is you're hand? My mind inquires pretty regularly, so I'm speaking for myself there! But, I digress, back to the coupon, it was totally free, not buy $100 get $50 worth of plants!

I got a big ol' load of black dyed mulch. When I told my friend here that, I thought she was going to have a cow, I covered my cheeks in case she swung at my face! Hehe! Not really, but she was none too pleased, hopefully she'll thank me later. I know she wanted Cocoa shell mulch, but this place didn't have it, I really wanted black, it just goes so well with my tropical themed bed there, lava rocks, 'basjoo' Banana Trees, 'Luna Red' Hibiscus, seashells and everything. Altho, I have this feeling in a few years I'm gonna wish it wasn't there, I mean dye in the environment, what was I thinking?! They gave me real big scoops out of their Bobcat, it seriously filled my trailer up! I've had 4 scoops in it before, that wasn't this much, I was thinking, "boy, they must really want to get rid of this stuff". I mean the heaping part in the bucket was about as big as what was in the bucket itself! I was frantically trying to make room between buckets by pushing the pile down to the corners, some still spilled over but not much.

Have you ever seen a big (old) area rug used as weed-block?! This rug was around 15 years old and it was filthy. I took it up off the living room floor the other day, and boy was it ever filthy and stinky! I asked my friend because it's hers, but she agreed, "throw it away", so, it became weed block! It was a nice rug back in the day, the price was on the back still, $50. But, actually, I'm not big on having area rugs all over a house, there is no shortage of area rugs to use as weed-block, believe me! My friend agrees, she's letting go of quite a few rugs that have been around forever and really have no use. You can see it in the photo, I haven't yet covered it all the way up. I won't get too descriptive but cats had been hacking up hairballs on it and going to the bathroom on it for many, many, years!