Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #11-Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners, 1 by lovemyhouse

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Forum: Accessible Gardening

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lovemyhouse wrote:
Okay, heat finally got me. Did not realize how much having a constant breeze helps until this afternoon when there wasn't one until that last 10 minutes. Managed to get the Maltese Falcon, Grey Witch, Garden Chapeau, Royal Easter, Black Briar Bay, Watermelon Man, Willow, and Heavenly Starfire separated and in the ground or in pots. Been watering them in the shipping boxes. Some were thriving despite the heat and just having roots wrapped in damp newspaper. Was time to plant, though, before any were lost. Watered a few areas and sprinkled fertilizer here and there. Still need to get pavers or bricks to outline the new bed. TooHotTooHotTooHot to go look at big box stores.

Trying to hold out on new daylilies until September, not the least reason is I've spent way too much on them this year. And it's reallllly hot to be outside planting. Then, last night was told of a daylily sale and have found three that were always too expensive until now. So its going to be noodles and bologna for awhile again. But, I am excited about them.

Magic of Oz
(not only on sale, but buy-one-get-one. yippee!)

Spacecoast Sea Shells

Cathy Cute Legs
(my sister's name is Cathy, this one is for her :-)
Also, have these coming from two other vendors:

Lemon Lily
(buy two, get one free :-)

Irish Elf

Stars over Alabama

Sweet Sugar Candy
(Yes, Jim, it's pink and I did know it was pink this time. LOL It is a Late and Extended bloomer.)

Was taking a few vacation days soon to coincide with an employee's break. We work on a weekly project that takes both of us. So with him out, seemed a good time for me to go, too. Last night, he asked to delay until third weekend in August. Maybe, maybe, it will have either cooled a little or rained between now and then. A lot of structural projects I'd like to get started on. Need to move some misplaced plants (like the Arctic Queen Clematis just frying because I was trying to train it up a metal fence post with full eastern exposure. Uh, duh, dumb place, Debra. :-D Also want to move all the miscellaneous non-peony plants in this small bed to make room for the five new peonies coming in September. Fingers crossed we'll have some relief by then.