Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: Accessible Gardening: #5 - still laughing with joy, 1 by BirdieBlue

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Photo of Accessible Gardening: #5 - still laughing with joy
BirdieBlue wrote:
LOL Vickie,
Yes, they are very smart. My little one already knows eactly where both his kennel crate and daytine window seat are.. OH and BTW he also stants up on his hind legsand dances in a circle to beg for yummies!!

I haven't quite figured out his growling at Elvis, yet. Today we went to 2 different pet stores and Jazz met with his tail wagging and friendly as could be a number of other dogs, I think it must be a territorial thing since the entire house smells of proof that Elvis still really is the King. And so perhaps Jazz is just feeling the need to try harder to show his Alpha nature (I do need to remember that he was an intact male for 3 years too).
Jazz is such a little sweetie. Today we went for our 1st vet check with my long time beloved vet, Dr B. He was very impressed at just how sweet Jazz was, cuddling up to him and being very good thru the exam.
I'm pretty hopeful that after a few weeks he will settle in and we can begin obedience classes.

Pictures coming soon, A friend found an old dig cam that she wasn't using anymore and is sending it to me. DG has sure given me a huge family of people that I both love and am loved by choice. I am ever so thankful for Dave's vision for this site and now for Cubits,which may be similar in some whays, but is very different in others.

Hugs and puppy kisses all around,
Sheri Elvis & Jazz...+ Sara, Marley and Dogwood deKatt :-)