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Canadian Gardening: What's happening in your neck of the woods friends , July/10, 1 by Bettypauze

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Photo of What's happening in your neck of the woods friends , July/10
Bettypauze wrote:
Morning everyone...sounds as though you've all got great plans for this coming long weekend, travels on the highway will be deadly so please be extra cautious..already we've had a death!

Reunions sound like a lot of fun, have never made it to one...Ann sure hope you rekindle a lot of friendships, have you remained in contact with some of them..what a hoot you will have.

"M" are you meaning Woodbine racetrack here in Toronto, imagine so because Lorna is from this neck of the woods right...not good about your weather...they are calling for high temp digits in the 20's and no rain, but as you say, that can change..

Paul just called and told us to leave at 1:00pm so I'm going back to the garden center and picking up another rose of sharon..are you like me, the plants/shrubs have to be somewhat balanced...set the 2 I bought at lunch yesterday in the area of the new garden I want to make, lots of plants just sitting for planting that I've purchased over the past weeks and I saw that I really should have had another...want to get to the garden center and on the highway asap, will be wicked today..already this morning you could see the masses head north.

Mom just called, they are leaving for the cottage, asked what I was up to this weekend, said Kempenfest by the Bay tomorrow morning, told me NOT to spend all my $$$ as I'm planning to be unemployed in a few weeks, told her I'd worry about that are never too old to get told what to do by a mom right?

Although I'm on my own, sure wish I had a veggie garden to go and pick peas/beans/cuc's and tomatoes..perhaps next year I'll find a little corner in my world and plant some...

Had fresh corn as part of my veggies last night when I went out for din/din...lordy it was good...might have to stop at a garden center myself and pick up goodies for the weekend...nothing like fresh veggies..

Nothing like enjoying friendships...