Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners , 1 by seacanepain

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In reply to: Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners

Forum: Accessible Gardening

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Photo of Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners
seacanepain wrote:
Carrie, all the best on your special day.
You and Vickie also have the advantage of fewer insects and wild things that love tomatoes. The fact the tomatoes are nearly ripe still doesn't mean they will make it to the kitchen. Fenny stays outside most nights now so maybe whatever took a sample bite from mine last year will be too wary of her to come out of the woods this time around.
I will ask about your tomato experiment around Thanksgiving, Bonnie. If it has to do with food, I tend to remember. lol.
Hug that AC, Vickie, and be very careful. Your health problems sound very similar to those of one of Kay's sisters. She got into her parked car at the mall. Something about the blast of hot air when she opened the car door made her unable to catch her breath. Fortunately, another shopper noticed her distress. He helped her with her oxygen and called an ambulance. She ended up spending a few days in the hospital and considers herself lucky. Is your condition one of those that would be helped by being in a dry climate? I ran into quite a few people in NM who lived there for health reasons. They could handle heat, but not humidity. (Jim)
Happy Birthday, Carrie! (Photo: jasmine in bloom.)