Photo by Melody


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Forum: Hibiscus

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WQP wrote:
Hi Doris, slowing down, don't think so, more rather speeding up I would say. just planted 138 new Hib seedling, and planting cuttings from all the hibs I have that I'm able to take cuttings of now that the weather has warm up a little more. most of the cuttings I did last time failed, temp. went to low for them to set roots for me, 60*F and it rain to much during that time also. also planted around 200 more hib seeds from cross pollination I've done with my hibs during last week an some are already germinating for me. That only on the hibs with out counting all the other plants I got that I have to water from time to time, this plant hobby is like another job totally but I enjoy it, just hope I can turn it into a business off some sort. BTW, thanks my friend for being yourself, a kind and wonderful person.

Mary, haven't forgotten you, you never sent me your mailing address and BTW, how the bird houses comming along, have you done any more of them. I've planted some cuttings of the one you liked so much last year #1 "Neon Morning", I planted a cutting last year in the garden to see how it would perform and it has produced prettier flowers there, much bigger blooms and brighter colors too.

Hi Patrick and Donna, you two sure tend to disappear from time to time, hows the girls, bet Lexie is having a good time at school, probably telling you lots of kids stories, has her hib set buds yet, planted a cutting of it in the garden also and the same thing happened, bigger blooms and bright colors. Hope hers do as well. I planted some more cuttings of the ones I named after you and Donna, first ones fail to root properly do to the lower temp. like the first ones I did for Lexie but I think these will do much better now that its warmer. Your "Pocahontas" looks beautiful, can't wait to see the others you have. BTW, did you ever get a chance to plant the cutting of The "Blue Ballerina" you offered me, really would love to have one to cross pollinate it with some of mien, also sadly another of the seedlings from the seeds you sent me didn't make it, really got me sadden since it was one of you had cross pollinated with your "Silver Memories" that I wanted so much also, and there's another that's not doing so great ether just hope it makes it, seem the ones you want them to flourish more are the ones that are harder to grow, just hope the warmer weather helps them grow.

Snugs, thanks, hope your other hibs bloom soon for you also, your "Pocahontas" looks beautiful also even though colors tone are different from Patrick's and Donna's, love when hibs change color do to temp. changes, its like having two hibs in one. Just hope my new hib "My Friend Jim" stays true to its color pattern, two tones that is, darker orange on top and lighter orange on the bottom of the blooms, never seen this before and it would be nice to have one like this, who knows if I cross pollinate it with other hibs they to miet come out two tones too, top and bottom.

Your Friend Wilfred

"#31 "My Friend Jim"