Photo by Melody

Carnivorous Plants: Portable bog, 1 by starsplitter7

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Image Copyright starsplitter7

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Photo of Portable bog
starsplitter7 wrote:
That is a beautiful Sarracenia leucophylla. I wouldn't put the Sarracenia and the sundew together, because I think the sundew is probably tropical and the Sarracenia is temperate. I would check two things.

1.) Is the rhisome of the Sarracenia touching the edges of the pot? If not, I think your arrangement works well.

2.) What is the soil in the Sarracenia pot? Does it have an odor other than plain earth? Is it super soggy, or is there a good amount of sand and/or perlite to offset the sogginess. I would have the big bowl with about 2" of water. never let it stay over the crown of the Sarracenia, but to have the pot of the Sarracenia sit in 2 inches of rain/RO or purified water is a great idea. That means of course that the sphagnum moss is very wet. Did you check to make sure the sphagnum has no fertilizers. That's pretty important.

Here's a picture of my portable bogs after the squirrels have rearranged them. They are just coming out of dormancy, so in about a month they will look a lot better.