Photo by Melody

Weather: April Showers 2010..., 1 by billyporter

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Photo of April Showers 2010...
billyporter wrote:
47° and a storm passed way north of us. At 4:30 am I heard the cops on the scanner say heavy rain but no wind yet, so I got up and got the coffee going in case we lost power. The north is on our power grid, so if they lose power, we could too. But, all is well and here I am. Yesterday, our big rain day, was a bust.

Kelli, you never know. I think that if your Mom smoked whem pregnant, you have a harder time quitting. She smoked with me and one brother. I did quit. He hasn't. The other brother could keep it to three a day. I asked why he bothered, so he quit. Sister died at 16, so I'll never know, but I'll bet she would have quit before me. I've always heard things skip a generation and that you are more your grandparents than you are your parents. Mom got her allergies from her grandmother.

I wondered if you would feel the earthquake.

Marylyn, I have the iris that smells like that. Yum!! I'm sure they wouldn't like zone 5 weather, but they are beautiful!! Kids love to climb! I did too.

Adina, so pretty!

Ledge, I have about the same flowers pushing thru as you do. It will be interesting to see your flower pictures.

Oh Ric, I hope the shed dries out fast!! Wow! It's looking nice!!

Celia, (((Big Hug))) That's terrible weather! Betty Boop is looking good!

It looks like we are going to warm up to close to 80° today. Suncsreen for me!

Kiska, does you like worms?