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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 57, 1 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM # 57

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 57
77sunset wrote:
Good morning all. A fine , cool morning here. yesterday was a lovely day with sun and a light breeze. Sadly no more rain as yet . But lovely weather to be out in the garden. I did a bit more on my zygo house as I had to adda bracing beam so I can add more shelves soon. Today I am going to plant out all my chrysanthemum cuttings now they are showing roots at the bottom of theitr tubes.
They are going in a long row at the end of the iris area. Later I will be adding the roses along the ends of all the iris beds. The roses will get more water and also be right out in the open , so hopefully I will get some lovely shows of flowers. Their existing garden will be filled with grasses . There are already a lot of different bulbs there so should look good and require no water.
I am still running down at night to see if my epi has flowered. I don't know about getting a photo as I have not taken any night photos as yet with my camers. I can't find anything in the instruction book to tell me how. I see lots on apertures and speeds but its all a mystery to me.
Steve, I will get out and take a photo of the climbing epi and one of the hanging one so you can see the difference.
Hello Colleen, I like your dark clouds, we had them too but all emptied themselves elsewhere. Keep us posted on Brian.
Shelly, I bet you have large red marks on the calendar, counting down to your time off.
Leisa, I like the sound of the new browser but if it underlined my spelling mistakes, I'd be here all day fixing them.
We used to use Firefox, which I like a lot , but the later version doesn't like our virus thingy, Trend micro.
We were getting thrown out of some sites , often right in the middle of something like a post on here.
We had to go back to Explorer.
I would try Chrome but if it doesn't work well on govt. sites, it would be no good here as hubby has to use some govt, sites for his radio stuff for CFA.
Anthony, I have another similar lily which is just plain white. I have no idea where I got it form. I am going to make a small patch of them along with the usual Belladonnas. Most of my Belladonnas were from a very very old garden on a farm near here. They are nearly all white with a pink edge. Very pretty. I'll get a photo also of those to show you.
Hello Charleen. Your Charlie knows where he is well off. No mule is going to walk away from such a good home. Lucky it was only him and not the others too.
The sun has com eout now so I am off to do lots outside.
Much too nice to be in here.
Hello to everyone, Kat, Chrissy, Sue, Lesley and all others lurking around.
Here something nice for you all. Strawberry Charlotte.
Happy gardening