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Florida Gardening: Chit-Chat, everyone welcome #170, 1 by JaxFlaGardener

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In reply to: Chit-Chat, everyone welcome #170

Forum: Florida Gardening

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Photo of Chit-Chat, everyone welcome #170
JaxFlaGardener wrote:
The weatherman seems to have been off the mark with the predictions on the 11 PM news. I thought he said the rain wouldn't come until about Noon today as it moved down through Georgia. It started pouring here last night around Midnight and doesn't seem to have stopped and includes some deep rumbles of thunder somewhere in the distance. I'm glad for a good rain, though.

As I look out my window this morning, I'm seeing the accumulated freeze damage really starting to show. I'm feeling especially dumb about leaving out in the open air the two Cat Palms (Chamaedorea cataractarum), still in their pots and that I got from the bargain bin at Lowe's a few weeks ago for $3.99 each. They were looking like they were able to take the freezes, but now they look like they may be nigh on to totally dead. I had dropped them near where I thought I would plant them and didn't think about moving them into a covered area. Dumb and dumberest!

Looks like I will be the first to be the bearer of the bad news. As a result of some interpersonal communications and establishing a friendship over the years with Dave, the DG founder, I was included in a group D-mail this morning in which Dave let us know that DG has been bought out from NameMedia by another company, and Dave will no longer be the Administrator for DG and is not even certain he will still retain his DG screen name. This change came as a total surprise to Dave and he is saddened by having the site taken from his control after he has put so much into DG and had every intention and expectation of retaining his position at the helm for another decade or so to come. He started Dave's Garden from a simple beginning as his personal seed inventory site to having it grow through his loving guidance and prodigious computer programming abilities to become an international premier gardening website with tens of thousands of members and subscribers. I have to admit, I am on the verge of some very sentimental tears because it seems like we may be headed into a transition at DG that may change the friendly neighbor charisma of the site. I know I will definitely miss Dave's presence and his consistent enthusiasm for maintaining DG. In his Dmail, he stated that we could pass along this disheartening news, and that we will all should expect a public announcement from NameMedia sometime in the near future.

This photo of my Cat Palm's seems to match my mood over this change at DG.


Edited to clarify some sentences.

This message was edited Jan 21, 2010 11:40 AM

This message was edited Jan 21, 2010 11:42 AM