Photo by Melody

Weather: January 2010 - The Best Is Yet to Come!, 1 by adinamiti

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Photo of January 2010 - The Best Is Yet to Come!
adinamiti wrote:
Happy New Year, guys!
Kelli, thanks for starting the new thread with such wonderful pictures! I agree, first days of the New Year bring up some dissapointing that the Hollidays are over, no sadness though. We are still having one more celebration on the 7th, St John's Day. After that I'm taking off the Christmas tree and decorations .
Celia, such cute pictures of Isis! She really loves snow!LOL
Rann, great to hear you had a good time with your family! Great picture of the bonfire and the girls! Loved the video too, so many fireworks and such a huge fire, wow!
Joey, you have a lot of snow, wow!
Bernie, lots of snow at your place too, but what a wonderful view! Great photos of your family!
Rusty, sorry you are sick, but what great nurses you have!LOL Take care and get well soon!
Mau, I'm also an early riser!LOL So great you had a great time with your family!
Ric, great you were out on NYE! I don't envy that cold either!LOL
Mona, so cool you have a rink where the kids can skate!
Pepper, so cold out there!
It's been warm here and raining, 40 at noon and 20 at night. We could see the blue moon and I took some pics. We had a great time , ate and watched TV, but DD and DH went to bed early.
Here's the blue moon.