Photo by Melody
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Weather: It's Hot...It's Humid...Must be June! Part 3, 1 by marsue

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Image Copyright marsue

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Photo of It's Hot...It's Humid...Must be June! Part 3
marsue wrote:
Whew--it's sure hard to catch up with everything when you have been gone for a week. There is not any way I can comment on everything but the photos are lovely and I did skim through the posts.
It was hard to come back to heat and humidity after being in Canada where it was cool and not humid. Currently it is 91ºF and very humid at 5:20 p.m. Abundant sunshine yesterday and today but we did have some rain on Sunday. I'm sure the flowers, trees and lawns were glad of it because it dries out so fast in this kind of heat. I'm sorry to hear about the drought in Texas--sure hope you folks get some rain soon!

For anyone who is interested, here is a link to my photos of Niagara Falls--a simply awe-inspiring place!!

I also came home to daylilies blooming. This one is Pearl Harbor--a gift from another DGer on the Mid-South Forum.

This message was edited Jun 15, 2009 5:20 PM