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Canadian Gardening: What's Happening in Your neighborhood-visit with friends #19, 1 by Bettypauze

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Photo of What's Happening in Your neighborhood-visit with friends #19
Bettypauze wrote:
"M" you certainly deserved that award..congratulations...
Sorry to hear about Lorna's boss's dad...puts a damper on their holiday..did you say they were visiting for 1 week?

Linda, we won't go there...I'd be lucky if 10 blades of grass grew...wouldn't waste my money on it...should know these commercial never tell the entire truth..maybe in the testing labs under the best of conditions it does but not in my yard...

It will be in the low 20's today, overcast but still better than snow or rain..just went to purchase some bags of quickcrete for rhubbarb leaves, a few more stepping stones for the back and of course had to stop at a few lawn piece wanted to come home with me (well maybe 4 or 5) it's a bronze/black metal type table..thought it would look great having a plant on it and would compliment the door with the metal mirror art piece...

Before I lose steam, best I go next door and cut rhubbarb..a treat for supper from the stalk, and stepping stones from the leaves...
what could be better...

Enjoy your day everyone...